Free MeditationsI have recorded some free mindfulness meditations which are available on Insight Timer and SOUNDCLOUD
Free ResourcesWellbeing Sisters Article- Mindfulness as a way of coping with Pregnancy Loss and Fertility Issues Hannah Colton (Interviewed by Joey Hulin, Horizon Inspired)- What is Mindfulness? (YouTube video) Wellbeing Sisters Article- Connecting to Authentic Growth using Mindfulness Apps: Insight Timer (loads of free guided meditations, including some of mine; search Hanni Rose Mindfulness and follow me) Liberate Meditation -Meditation for People of Colour Expectful - Meditation and Sleep for Fertility, Pregnancy and Motherhood Websites: Bristol Wellbeing Therapies ( NHS ) What is Mindfulness? (NHS info) Mindfulness (Info from Mental Health Foundation UK) FutureLearn (offer free online Mindfulness courses, the Monash University course is excellent) Mindfulness Network for People of Colour UK Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Self Compassion Books: Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams John Kabat-Zinn (wide range of books, online resources and YouTube videos) Thich Nhat Hanh (wide range of books and teachings) Brene Brown (wide range of books, online resources and YouTube videos) Tara Brach (wide range of books, online resources and YouTube videos) Kristen Neff David Treleaven- Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Your local Buddhist Centre will also offer a range of welcoming and accessible (and often donation based) classes. For Mental Health Support: MIND info- 0300 123 3393 helpline- 0808 808 0330 Rethink Bristol Mental Health Crisis Line 0300 555 0334 |